Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Diablo3 supports sucks!

This post is a bit different from the previous ones. In fact, you may be asking yourself why a support annoyance is being related here. Keep reading to understand how online games and their bad support affects your fun.

A Short Introduction

I'm a fan of Blizzard. I've being playing games from them since Lost Vikings and I think they do state of art games. They might not use the best of graphics, but games are not only to tease the eyes. And yes, they're new games don't force you to buy new hardware at each new release.

That was the golden age of them.

Today the industry changed a lot... almost all games depend on having a connection to the internet (even if it's only necessary for keeping your game data stored there), don't sell whole games anymore (the technical name for that is "DLC" or "expansions") and try to solve the never ending problem of software piracy.

Diablo3 is a clear example of that. Diablo was a single player game, Diablo2 added the possibility to play with other players in a network (and was great because the network could be a simple LAN built with a hub and a bunch of players in the same room).

Now you play Diablo3 in single mode, but still requiring a connection with Blizzard's servers (no play if they are under maintenance) just to keep your characters data. Well, that solves the problem with cheaters that invented editor's to give to their characters impossible powers through items that were not created by Blizzard designers. IMHO, those guys didn't matter at all.

Give me the annoyance!

Now that you have some background, let me put this: if your online game support sucks, you're in trouble. That's different of receiving a bug with your game because now the whole infrastructure of your game is much more complex, and thus so much more possibilities of errors are possible.

I recently experimented the "season character" of Diablo3 Season 5. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to finally acquire the set "Monkey King's Garb", which I was unable to find myself even after finishing the game with all characters, hardcore mode included.

After many hours of gaming (include the difficult to complete a 6 items set to be able to finish all the challenges), I finished it. But didn't get the Monkey King's Garb, only the portrait frame and the companion.

What did happen there? I don't know... and Blizzard's support doesn't either. I spent days exchanging messages with them and the final result is... they can't do a thing to solve my issue.

I'm putting some screenshots as evidence, the text is in Brazilian Portuguese but I'll translate to English the interesting parts. Specially those that I'm treated as a teenager (I'm 37 years old), and I mean a retarded one.

In the screenshot above (highlighted part), the person tried to convince me that I could possibly had receive the items and deleted (?!?) them from by character. Yeah, sure. All 6 items at once and quickly enough so I didn't even notice receiving them.

After some more (angry) messages exchanged with support, I receive this final answer:

Here the guy clear states that they don't have access to my game data and cannot do anything. He also insists telling me that the Season 5 is not "over" yet, basically ignoring all my previous statements saying that a season ending means shit regarding receiving the rewards (that's exactly the text of challenges says).

The person also suggested that I could try to post a bug in a Diablo3 and see if I could get an answer from there. Finding it really difficult, I tried anyway (at least nobody cannot say that I didn't try). Here is the post (in English) and you can also access it if you want to:

Of course, the issue is not solved. And of course, I receive again the same answer about using "Haedrig’s Gift" to get the set, but these people forgot to read that they would give the whole set of Monkey King's Garb after completing the challenges.

So, I'm pissed of... there is no way I'll go through the game again for getting it (and this was also one of the "suggested solutions" that I received).

Frankly Blizzard, this is pretty unprofessional from your side. Don't want to expend bucks on good online support? That's OK... but don't create online games then! At least let us know that your support will be very limited and we shouldn't be angry with we would need it.

In matter of facts, Blizzard Entertainment is rated pretty poorly in the Reclame Aqui website from Brazil. This social media website rates companies based on complaints made by consumers. Last time I checked their bad reputation is given the fact they even don't bother to reply complaints at all.

You can check their profile at