Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Lords of the Fallen - gimme my money back!


I just asked for a refund for this game for Microsoft Store. That's right, a refund.


Well... this game sucks in a lot of ways.

If you asked me, the game attracted me for three reasons: graphics, fighting and sold as a RPG. I wrote "sold as" because there is absolutely no more RPG in there than playing Street Fighter. What a heck, probably Street Fighter has more roleplaying than this game.

Harkin, the main character with a ugly face above is the one you're to suppose to endure with to the rest of the game. He is a convicted. For what? I don't know since the story sucks... I suppose that's because the way he fights, there must be a law for that.

This guy so slow that seems to me he's doing a colonoscopy during all the fights.

It is unbelievable he is even called a fighter (that's the build I selected) due the unbelievable lack of speed on his attacks. All his movements are terrible and the challenge here is to get the right timing to try to hit. Yeah, try because this fighter is the slowest creature in the game. Any enemy that I had found was faster than he is, doesn't matter the size of the creature, anything can hit or dodge faster than Karkin.

Then I tried to change the armor or weapons... nope, not so many improvements after that. At the start, I equipped "too many" items on him that I got a message that he was overburdened. My first thought was "well, time to drop something". Nope. You can't drop anything. You can't sell it either, specially because there is no coin in the game. Did I say that there is no roleplaying in this game?

Wait, wait... isn't that a matter to invest experience in the Agility attribute? No buddy... Agility only increases the damage of quick weapons. Hell, who needs to be fast during a brawl, right?

Is he powerful? No. Sometimes his damage is ridiculous. There is no compensation for playing with such slow character, as usually expected.
He can use some really big weapons, but they are too slow to be useful. Unless the enemy cooperates (which they don't) it will be impractical to hit something with it.

Does he have any magical power? Yeah, but they suck too. The gauntlet is the most useful item in the game, but the damage is also minimal and you can use just a few times because your "magical energy" is done after 3 or 4 hits.

There is another spell (which I don't recall the name, but who cares?) that is a stupid decoy of you and it's suppose to heal some of your energy back before it goes away. At the second level, the amount of energy was not enough to keep up from a single blow from the weakest enemy around.

Camera in the game sucks as hell too. You can "track" the enemy by marking it with the R3 button, so if you turn around, the camera will keep the enemy at the center. Looks useful? Well, think again when you have two or more enemies at the same time. Most of times you will need to run as hell... But then the character will get tired really quickly.

That's right, the character will get tired too. You can buy some "vigor" (or whatever the name of the attribute is, I don't care) to enhance that. After three or four hits that energy is gone, he will be too tired to even dodge.

What about the roleplaying? No existent. Yep, nothing there. You can have some dialogs, but the only option there is to select the sequence of questions/answers. The game is totally linear, you can try to go around a bit to stray away from the "main path" of the game, but if you do that you will just get killed really fast due meeting with too strong enemies for your level. Boy, I do miss Fallout 2 quality on that.

I guess the idea was to make this game difficult to play. It is difficult, but to the level of frustration because it is basically helpless to improve the character. Runes are a shit bonus you will get at the expense of the hard earned experience points, so that's it, you're FUBAR.

Finally I just asked for a refund before lost my grip and smashed the Xbox One console. Keep away from this title.

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